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marc chagall中文是什么意思

用"marc chagall"造句"marc chagall"怎么读"marc chagall" in a sentence


  • 查卡尔
  • 克夏卡
  • 马克・夏卡尔
  • 夏加尔
  • 夏卡尔


  • Marc chagall : the colours of passion 23 mins , english cantonese
  • From a devout jewish background , marc chagall entered art school in st petersburg in 1907
    马克?夏加尔出身于虔诚的犹太人家庭, 1907年进入圣彼得堡美术学校。
  • Marc chagall , the russian - born french painter , filled his canvasses with dream - like figures and fanciful imagery that mirrored his emotions and recalled visions of his youth in russia , his jewish upbringing , his first wife , etc
用"marc chagall"造句  
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